» studio kønig - Projects «

Design principles

can't control AI.

The ten rules for good design by Dieter Rams have greatly influenced and guided the work of designers. Now, the AI company Humane Inc. proposes a set of similar rules to govern what they refer to as good AI. Can these 10 rules, originally conceived for design, effectively govern a new technology that has been described as both highly beneficial to humanity and potentially destructive?


Tracking trash


Building a treasure tracking system for Hodge, an organics collection and reuse service for restaurants, improving pickup speeds, data collection and data transparency.





This undertaking examines different design strategies; it consists of three projects based on an explorative, experimental, and exact approach.


Qbik IBM


A novel approach that visualizes the performance of quantum computers.


How to design

with technology

A process that allows designers to work with new technologies. Most strategies today start with the user, but we sometimes need a process that begins with the technology.


It is windy and

sunny in NYC

With 400,000 New Yorkers at least two months behind on their energy bills, this strategic design project explores solutions from window-mounted turbines to rooftop solar.



Collect data for a diagnostic AI by using Fraunhofer technology during your daily meditation.


SUSHI concept bike

A concept for a discreet retro e-bike. Roam your street in a smart and elegant way.


minuta stereo

Digitaizing and streamlining the development and production of a stereo pinhole camera.


design community

Impressions from my work as head organizer of the Creative Night, student lead of the DOC Magazin, exhibtion organisor and part of the Talk12 team
