» max emrich - greyscale «


As part of the "Bad time for good News" project, supervised by Tom Ising from Herburg Weiland, i created greyscale. Greyscale is an interactive IoT printer that modernizes tear-off sheets.

» Bad times for good news « » Herburg Weiland «

Whether offline or online a constant information overload surrounds us. Even more, Instagram, banners, or posters are lost in the crowd. So how do we reach people? An unused possibility are breaks in life that are too short to look on your phone.

At traffic lights, we read tear-off sheets instead of our Instagram feed. We have to take advantage of these short breaks. The tear-off sheet gets modernized using an interactive printer attached to traffic lights. In this way, passers-by can find out about demos or museums in their area, get excited about it, and encourage their interest.

We want to inform. And we want to promote good things. So when a demonstration like Black Lives Matter takes place in the city, we want to call all the undecided and bystanders to form an opinion. With our notes, we want to pass on and spread this knowledge. We give information about the demo on stickers and people distribute the message of the demonstration in the city. We use the environment of a demonstration route to inform people and promote political education.

So how do we get people interested in museums, such as the long night of museums does? In Munich's museums quarter, one museum is hidden next to the other. We show people what is in front of their noses. So when we get our expression, we get a look behind the scenes and are triggered. We want more and get it in the form of a free ticket.